I'm New


Thrive LA Church is a place to be yourself, make deep connections, and find safe space to explore spirituality. The people you’ll meet come from every walk of life. We believe that every person has God-stories to tell, so you’ll probably identify with someone you never thought you would.

When we Meet

Currently Streaming on Sunday Mornings

10 am on

12 noon on

Thrive Kids Streaming Worship

11 am on

What To Expect

Our goal for your visit--even in our online, virtual gatherings--is that you would encounter Jesus in a meaningful way and that you would make a friend. We really believe in treating all people like they are valuable. Thrive is a relaxed, friendly environment where people of all backgrounds and beliefs are welcome and wanted!

We're always doing something new, but we always sing songs to God, teach from the bible, celebrate communion, and give space for discussion and reflection. The service lasts about 50 minutes, and we have a streaming option for Thrive Kids as well. Even though the style and format sometimes change in these virtual times, it's always rooted in the unchanging message and purpose of Jesus.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.