Thrive meets Sundays at 10 am
online + in person at
2234 W Temple St.

We can't wait to see you!


In a Family

Find Your Place In God's Family

We’re building an inclusive family where people can belong no matter their story and find purpose in contributing to the common good. We want to see people of every background loving their city and empowering others to invest their talents. We do this all for Jesus.

You’re invited to come belong, contribute, and thrive with us in the family of God.

Thrive LA Church meets every Sunday at 10am in two ways:
- Online on our website
- In-person gatherings at 2234 W Temple St. Here's where you can
Plan Your Visit for that! Please come, we'd love to have you! 

Latest Sermon

Check out the latest message or search by topic or pastor.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

10:00 am Online
10:00 am In Person Gatherings (Plan Your Visit Here)
2234 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Current series

Upside Down Kingdom: Jesus' Sermon on the Mount
You may have heard a few things about Jesus' heart before, but what does Jesus really say? As we explore Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, we'll get to experience the upside down priorities Jesus sets for his people. Discover the surprising, subversive way Jesus leads us toward a vibrant path of life!